"two new blogs on the side.
"Meredith Travels said... FEBRUARY 3, 2010 10:35 PM
" Sigh, now the whole internet knows that I am creepy stalking them.
goodbye dallas, hello world is a girl named meredith who must know marisa since they both live in chicago? i dunno. but she's taking an around the world trip with her boyfriend in may and you knooow how much i love travel books/blogs."
Then I had to confess:
ohhh totally called out. So *sigh* here is where I fully announce myself as a stalker. So... I don't know Marisa but I saw a comment she wrote on another blog and then I saw your blogs and here I am!
I'm not really as creepy as that sounds!
And I am indeed taking a world-wide trip. Starting in Southern Africa, moving to the Middle East, then South East Asia and then finally India and Nepal. In May Chris, my boyfriend, and I will be taking our backpacks and heading to Johannesburg!
Now I must go email real people I know about this so I can confirm that I have real life friends too. haha

6 comments- my fav!:
haha! this is too funny!! i know exactly what you mean! it's like i really have no explanation why or how i got to your blog but i like it!!!
way to put it out there and say it, proudly!
That's completely okay! I think people are flattered when you find their blogs!!
Um hello, totally flattered that you found my little blog! Also, we don't know each other...yet. I think since we both live in Chicago, ya know, we should get together and kvetch about the weather.
I don't even know what to say about this, but you ARE an expert stalker. Ha Ha...even the Internet knows.
i've always been a believer that everything happens for a reason. now i can give you all of the bangkok tips :P
and yay marisa is so fun! she's a good girl to have in your circle.
hehehe!!! funny story! ;)
Happy Friday!! Have a great weekend!
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