So. On to the things that were normal splashed with a little randomness in the middle.
USUAL- Farmer's Market
Chris and I headed over to the outdoor (whoop! no more snow!) Chicago Green Market. We got there around 11:30 and everything was a little picked over and a lot of the farmers (?) were sold out and shutting down. But, we did snag some amazing asparagus and a pound of rhubarb. I'm not even exactly sure what rhubarb is (red celery that is sweet?) but I'll be cooking it up tonight! We also bought some homemade goat cheese that I didn't take a picture of and have yet to eat. How could I ever have forgotten about the cheese? Now my mouth is watering thinking about cheese.

UNUSUAL- Civil War Era Baseball game
When walking home we encountered a baseball game between the Chicago Salmon and the Milwaukee Dutchmen. They play in costume with baseball rules from 1858. The rules were a little different but if are really interested check out the Vintage Baseball Association's website.
On a side note can we talk about how effing hard it is to spell Milwaukee?

UNUSUAL (or maybe this is a little too usual)- I'm creepy
I am so weird. I secretly took this photo of this adorable little boy and his dad who were watching the game next to us. And I love the picture. LOVE it. But I'm still totally bizarre for doing it.... and then telling the entire internet (because obvi everyone on the interwebs reads my blog).

USUAL- Bar (eh, it has a name but I have no idea what it is)
Chris and I went out and had a pint of Stiegel. Last fall, when we were in Salzburg Chris, Eddie, Allan and I went to the Steigel restaurant and then rode bikes to the brewery and had an amazing day. So drinking a Steigel always makes me a little nostalgic for an amazing adventure in Austria and Germany with my favorite boys.

UNUSUAL- randos at the bar
Chris and I totally got tricked by this guy who was "taking IDs" at the door. He totally looked like he worked there but as I was digging deep through my purse for my wallet we found out he was just creeping by the door asking for people's IDs. He thought it was hiiiillllariooous. It does give me a giggle too.
For the rest of the weekend when I didn't take picture of we rode bikes, went to great restaurants (with incredibly cheap and delicious oysters!), went to the pee-yourself-it's-so-funny Second City, and just had an all over great time. I'll have to tell you more later!
AND AND AND! Giveaway announced tomorrow!! WOOOHOOOO!
keep it random,
7 comments- my fav!:
Looks like a fun weekend! Rhubarb can actually be sort of tart when it's cooked. I recently saw this recipe for a rhubarb strawberry crumble that made me wish I had some rhubarb. I couldn't find any at the market though, so no crumble for me.
Dude, strawberry rhubarb pie. Amazing and totally worth it.
Only you would stumble upon a Civil War Era baseball game. You crazy kids!!
a random guy taking ids?? WHHHAAAT!??
and a civil war era baseball game? now that is hysterical. and completely random!!
okay, those asparagus look delicious!!
and that is a great pic of that little boy and his dad!!
you are not creepy.
now if you framed that picture and claimed those two as your relatives, well...that would be creepy.
or if you blew it up and made a poster to post on your wall to look at while working out, yup...that would be creepy.
In all the time I lived in Chicago, I have never seen those guys play. Now it is something I will need to watch for. The creepy picture is really quite amazing, as are all those photos. I think I'm particularly attuned to photography right now; I'm an English teacher on the Southwest side and my students are currently putting together a photography/writing exhibit to tell the "real stories" about what it's like to live on the Southwest side. I've been teaching them some ways to use perspective and background to "capture photos" and your pictures are such amazing examples...I'm going to show them to my students. And because I need to drum up an audience for my students, if you're interested in seeing the student photography exhibit about their view of the Southwest Side of Chicago, we're presenting at the Old Town School of Folk (Lincoln Square) June 4th from 5-8...also the same day as Maifest! I'll have more info on my blog.
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