Instead of doing pilates (rock your body... with pilates....) I took a yoga class. I did yoga on and off during my college career but didn't really get into it-- never to the point where I was holding myself up off the ground or centering my chakra or knowing what a chakra is.
It felt so good to really stretch my body for an hour. It was also tough. I am not as flexible as I once was and I was awkwardly told today that my knees rotate out and that I should try to balance my thighs while counter-balancing my calves. Say what? Seriously... I'm still working on walking and texting at the same time.
And since all great posts need a few great pictures here are some of my friend I's very sweet pup:

I'm feeling back to 99% after my IUD placement on Monday with just a tingle of tummy cramps but so far so good! If I turn into a crazy hormonal bitch I'll be sure to let you know!
Day 2- Must go to the gym now!! It's too early to give up!
Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails,
1 comments- my fav!:
Walking is the best! If it's nice out and I'm headed somewhere walkable, I always try to hoof it instead of paying $2.25 for the train.
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