This alliance is complete BIZARRE to me... Let's fight against cancer by eating highly processed foods that cause heart disease! And by the way, did you know that heart disease is the number 1 killer of women in the United States? NOT cancer....
Hang on a minute-- let me get on my high horse. This is so wrong to me. It seriously makes me question Susan G. Komen's motives. I realize that they are bringing in big bucks from getting sales percentages from playing cards, EmergenC, tennis clothes and everything in between. I know and gratefully respect that Susan G. Komen uses those funds to pay for incredible amount cancer research. But, why give Americans yet another reason to eat fried and processed foods? I find it irresponsible and shocking.
....for my Grandfather who died of heart disease....
Okay. Let's start fresh and less angry! How were your weekends my loves? I had a great one filled with big hats, tennis, and a few too many mint juleps!
I'll see you all tomorrow and I promise you I'll be filled with only good feelings and fun!
5 comments- my fav!:
I agree that is pretty questionable. I think hypocritical advertising is on an upswing. It reminds me of a Wal-Mart commercial from a year or two ago where they were selling a "green" t-shirt that was partially made from recycled coke bottles, and their sales pitch was that if everyone who shops at Wal-Mart bought one they'd keep a certain large number of plastic bags out of the landfill. Although millions of people would have bought a t-shirt that they didn't need simply to help achieve that goal. And they'd probably buy a bunch of other things on the same trip and let the cashier bag them all up in a bunch of plastic bags, thus nullifying the entire exercise from an ecological standpoint. Yet Wal-Mart would also have made millions from t-shirt sales. Sigh. So much to be on a high-horse about.
Oh my goodness - this is incredibly ill conceived. I wonder what marketing person actually thought "Buckets for the Cure" was a good idea to pair with the Susan G Komen brand.
at first when i saw the title of the post i was like bummer.. i hope she doesn't support it. because i feel the exact same way as you do! so i was so happy to read this post!!
i mean its completely bizarre and totally a pr move. they don't care about donating money but they do care about getting a few heartfelt people going in to buy the bucket to support the cause. so yeah kfc sucks! haha.
this makes me nauseous. major lapse in judgement sgk. so disappointing.
p.s. so glad i stumbled upon your blog and so wishing i was about to embark on an 18 month around the world adventure! can't wait to see/hear more about that.
Now that you mention it...that IS an odd collab!
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