All those places have NOTHING on Lexington, North Carolina!
The prices are cheap...
The BBQ is amazing. So amazing that my mouth is watering just looking at this picture!
I highly recommend a spicy combo of ketchup, Texas Pete, and a dash of smokehouse sauce. Chris doesn't like ketchup and only uses hot sauces. Who doesn't like ketchup? Freaks.
When you're done try to ignore your food baby, order a refill of sweet tea, and bask in the glorious-ness that is Lexington BBQ.
2 comments- my fav!:
I COMPLETELY AGREE. I also love their slaw!! This is one of my favorite places and whenever we are near we detour!
Chris doesn't like ketchup??? How can you even date him??? I could totally eat Whataburger ketchup with a spoon. MMMMMMM
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