TADA! Here is part 2 of my 100 before I'm 100 list! Writing this list is actually harder than I thought it would be. But, it does help me think about the things in life that are important (like throwing parties, reading books, learning random things); I have some thoughts brewing, but I'm going to keep them in until I am finally at the end of my list. What is the one thing that you feel like you must in your life?
11. Throw party that people will be talking about for years as one of the best events they've ever been to.
12. Write in a journal daily for a year
13. Learn to scuba dive
14. Ride an elephant
15. Read War and Peace
16. Have a white christmas
17. Wear a tutu in all seriousness in public
18. Build my dream kitchen (subway tile, giant stove, sofas for hanging out....)
19. Work on conquering my fear/phobia of needles to the point where I can get a shot without being slightly hysterical
20. Learn how to make delicious Indian food (there have been some very failed attempts in the past)